
5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Child’s Relationship With Homework

15 January, 2020 | Emily Graham | Posted in Articles

If your nightly routine consists of struggling to get your tired, frustrated child to complete their homework, you're likely desperate for anything that can make your evening easier. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are just a few simple things you can do to make homework time a little less painful (including some tech options) and a little more enjoyable for everyone involved.

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Tips to Keep Your Family Safe At Home This Summer

6 June, 2019 | Charlie Moore-Pabst | Posted in Articles

With school out for many New Mexico children, parents are often left with questions on whether it’s appropriate to leave children at home during the summer months while they are at work. Take a listen to the KCHS radio interview with CYFD's Schalicia Degase and T or C's Police Chief Randall Aragon.

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Abused Kids Text Crisis Hotlines to Find Help

27 March, 2019 | Futurity | Posted in Articles

Children who need a discreet way to report abuse are turning to text-based crisis communication services, report researchers. “She says she will burn the house down with me in it.” “He threatened to pull a gun on me.” “He told me he could kill me in an instant if he wanted to.” These are just a few of the texts children have sent to crisis hotlines in the last several years, researchers say.

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CYFD app helps families sign up for child care program

15 July, 2018 | Las Cruces Sun News | Posted in Articles

ALBUQUERQUE - On Monday, the state Children, Youth and Families Department formally will launch an app, allowing families for the first time to apply for the Childcare Assistance program online. The intention is to make it easier and faster for eligible families to get the application process started. "Childcare Assistance is one the greatest tools we have in the fight to improve the quality of life for children in New Mexico," said CYFD Cabinet Secretary Monique Jacobson. "We all too often see that trage

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